Sundar Ali - heat pump partner

Almost every day, articles about heat pumps appear in the news media. Unfortunately, most of those articles are wildly inaccurate.

There are some excellent companies across the country offering heat pumps. However, there are also companies who have “jumped on the bandwagon”. If your advisor is someone who was selling windows or insurance until last month, and has simply been on a few days training course to sell heat pumps, it would hardly be surprising if the advice given was flawed. This, in turn, would lead to an incorrect decision as to whether to proceed or not, by the homeowner.

Whenever you have heard or read about someone who is unhappy with their heat pump, there are only 3 reasons why they are unhappy.

  1. They were very poorly advised, maybe a heat pump wasn't in their best interests
  2. The system design or installation was not carried out correctly
  3. They have older technology, compared to what is now available.

This is where we are so very different. At every point of contact, you will be speaking to a qualified engineer, which we have selected and appointed as Heat Pump Partners, not a salesperson. The very first decision your Heat Pump Partner will make, is to determine whether or not they would install a heat pump if they lived in a house identical to yours. If your engineer concludes it’s a No, they’ll quickly explain why its not the best idea for you, and leave you in peace.

If it’s a Yes, we would love the opportunity of presenting you with written recommendations and a proposal for your consideration.

Naturally, as this initial visit and survey is completely free of charge, we will keep it as brief as possible.

Latest developments

Thanks to multi billion pound investment in research and development in recent years, by globally known brand name companies, modern heat pumps are more efficient than ever before, work far more effectively, and are quieter when in use.

Even until quite recently, the very best heat pumps cost about the same to run as the very best gas boilers.

The huge difference now is that the heat pumps we offer are approximately 36% CHEAPER TO RUN than even the very best, most technically sophisticated gas systems. 

Better still

Currently, huge grants of £7500 are available for people whose properties are suitable for an installation.

To learn whether a heat pump might be right for you, contact your local Heat Pump Partner today. 

Sundar Ali - Pump Partner

Sundar lives near Chesterfield with his wife and their two grown up sons.

Quite apart from being a hugely experienced heating engineer, Sundar absolutely loves cooking - before training as a heating engineer, Sundar was previously a tandoor chef in a very popular Indian restaurant.

Cookery seems to be quite a popular hobby with our engineers.

What to expect from Sundar, your local Heat Pump Partner

Get in touch by using the form below. We’ll call you to arrange a brief, preliminary survey visit. The purpose of this is to establish if your home would be suitable for a heat pump installation, and to ensure that the substantial grant would definitely be available to you.

Your Heat Pump Partner will assess your current heating system, gather heat loss information and make sure your electricity supply / circuits are suitable.

This information is passed back to the office, and we will be in touch if an installation would be beneficial to you and the grant would be available. If so we’ll be back in touch to carry out a further, more detailed survey at your convenience. This will enable us to provide you with a very detailed set of recommendations and quotation via email.

Should you later choose to proceed, we will take care of all the paperwork, grant application and various notifications that are required. 

Contact Sundar via the form below, or call on him on

01246 900108 to arrange your free initial survey

Make an enquiry

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